Self-care is how we do this.

Self-care is how we do this.

What a time we are in. What a time.

I just got off a phone call with the NJ midwives, as we navigate the best ways to serve our communities and one another, and if anything, my heart is full of hope as we figure out—as communities—as street blocks—as friend groups—how to preserve and support and love one another.

Like many of you, I’m struggling with anxiety. During the day I’m outside as much as possible, in the sun as much as possible, in my garden, building vegetable beds, connecting with other midwives, connecting with my clients, doing my best to somehow parent and homeschool. At night, as I sit with the day’s information or catch up with friends feeling similarly stunned, I find myself going to bed only to lay awake.

I want to share the resources that I have always shared with midwifery and doula clients struggling with anxiety. All of the following are ways that we say “I love you” to our body. As you do them, you can say to yourself “this care is how I love myself.” <3

  • My friend Jeanne Mirabella is a therapist and doula currently offering free consults as well as talk therapy over video. She’s amazing.

  • Insight Timer: This free app has thousands of guided meditations. When you feel your mind spinning, put one of these on. I love the yoga nidra sessions from Jennifer Piercey.

  • Calcium-Magnesium Citrate: 1 Tbs a half hour before bed, helps to relax your body’s smooth muscle to encourage easier and deeper sleep. Also helps with high blood pressure, constipation, restless legs, and Charlie horses.

  • Walk in the woods: Nature therapy is real, and it’s easy to stay six feet away from other people on the trail!

  • Gentle herbal nervines: Teas of lavender, chamomile, skullcap, hops, catnip and/or lemon balm, or in tincture form if you don’t want to drink something right before bed.

  • Meditation, YouTube yoga videos (I’m a fan of Fightmaster Yoga), going for a run, or otherwise exercising.

  • Cut off social media or news intake at a certain time of day. Let your evenings be precious. Let sleep be a way that you love yourself.

  • Laugh with your friends on Facetime.

I’ll keep adding to this list as I come across useful suggestions. And know that I’m doing my best to follow these practices too—you’re not alone.

Midwife Tips for Preconception Planning

Midwife Tips for Preconception Planning